Tournament Schedule:
June 1 through Sept. 1 - Captains Meeting TBA
Choose 3 consecutive days by 9/1
Tournament Rules: (Still subject to change)
Captain's meeting TBA. Attendance is advised to ensure you adhere to and comply with all T-B-B rules.. will possibly be available via Zoom.
All tournament boats must leave from any Texas Port.
Blue Water Athletes LLC reserves the right to refuse entry into the tournament.
Boat owners assume all liability for any person(s) onboard involved in the tournament.
Each boat is required to possess the necessary certifications/permits to catch the fish they bring to weigh in.
The contest shall begin at 6:00 am on , June 1 . No contestants shall be eligible for awards unless registered in advance of their chosen, declared fishing days. All fish will be weighed only once and the decisions of the weighmaster and T-B-B Executive Board are final. Fish may be weighed at any port in Texas with a certified scale, and signed/dated by a weighmaster.
All fish are to be caught in a sportsman like manner.
Receiving Station: All fish brought in must be in edible condition to the receiving station at the marina to which it is brought to be weighed, measured, and recorded by the official weighmaster or deputy. All fish are subject to further inspection if deemed necessary by the weighmaster or a T-B-B Executive Board member. Fish to be weighed must be brought to (Texas port) before the morning of September 1 before 12am. Any fish not weighed between those hours on those days will be ineligible for any heaviest fish category. Any weighed fish must be submitted to by way of photo of the completed weigh fish form along with photo of said fish on scales with the weight visible. THE WEIGHMASTER AND T-B-B EXECUTIVE BOARD ARE THE FINAL AUTHORITIES AS TO THE SPECIES OF FISH AND POINTS AWARDED.
Bad Weather: One day of fishing during the 3 day window declared will count as the tournament.
Night Fishing: Night fishing for the tournament IS permitted.
Protests: Protests must be filed in writing by a registered T-B-B angler, hand delivered to a member of the executive board or tournament director, along with a $500 deposit no later than 8:00 pm on the final day of fishing. If said protest is upheld, the deposit will be returned to the angler that filed the protest. If said protest is not upheld, the deposit is forfeited by the angler who filed the protest.
Heaviest fish awards: Any angler listed on the boat during time of catch of the team is eligible for the award of heaviest fish.
In addition to the general tournament rules, the following rules apply:
Fishing Hours: Contestants may start fishing at 6 am on day 1 of fishing of the tournament. Boats may depart their dock any time the day before their declared 3 day window, and may stay out if they choose to but must have departed from a Texas port. Boats must stop fishing by 6 pm on the final day of their declared 3 day window (unless the last day of the tournament), but any fish to be weighed must be done so as mentioned above.
Points for fish catch and release points are as follows:
Blue Marlin --- 1,000 Points
White Marlin --- 300 Points
Spearfish --- 300 points
Sailfish --- 200 Points
Towards the overall tournament winner, Heaviest Mahi-Mahi, Heaviest Yellowfin Tuna, and Heaviest Wahoo will also each count as 500 Points. In the event that a yellowfin is not weighed, heaviest tuna species will win.
Towards the overall tournament winner, Heaviest Swordfish will also count as 500 points.
Electric reels are permitted for swordfish only but must be mounted on a fishing rod. Electric reels are also permitted to reel in the dredge.
To qualify for catch and release points, video must be included. Cell phone video is fine (preferred) as long as sent to tournament director via text or email by required time.
Video must contain the following:
Mate with the leader in hand, the fish, and the T-B-B tournament object (to be emailed to participant and must be printed)and date/time stamped. Clear identification of the species of billfish. In order for the fish to be scored as a blue/white marlin, spearfish, or sailfish it must be clearly shown. Otherwise, it will be scored as the lowest scored billfish. Video must also show fish swimming away.
Video Must be submitted to the tournament director or board member prior to 8pm on the final day of fishing. Cell phone video will work fine as long as it includes the aforementioned requirements. Tournament director /board member must be notified if a fish is being fought past 6pm of the final day of fishing.
In the case of a tie, the winner will revert back to earliest caught or weighed point yielding catch.
Side Pots = 90% Paid Out
All side pot money has to go through the tournament.. and will be done so via Venmo or Cash/Check to Blue_Water_Athletes (
Any/all side pot money to be paid out as 60% 1st Place, 30% 2nd Place, 10% 3rd Place.